Week 29 Discussion Room 2024, Here you can post your games and exchange views on last week games.
Week 28 Weekend Pool Draws Discussion room….. We accept all comments concerning weekend pools and once you post your comment Admin will approve it provided it is not violating the rules of positing comments in the platform. Please try and make the room to be as real as it is suppose to be.
You can go ahead and post all your weekend games here but make sure that every game you post here is real and you can prove it.
Feel free to drop your comments and ask questions, for the platform is ready to answer you any time.
You’re in the Week 29 Weekend Pool Draws Discussion room…
Sportatips won‘t respond to any text or comment from anyone complaining of how he was scammed here.
This week29 is the turn of 14 anyway.
Proof. Bristol R. on top Burton A to draw for one. Pls make use of 14 pair 13 as fixed draw.
13xbk pairs 14xbk
Welcome to week 29. NAP= 9*11*14. Perm= 3*7*9*11*13*14*33*35. Cutting of bar @ 12/13. Play 3,7 by number. Cardiff Away @ number 9 to draw. 11 to draw by number. Stoke home ontop of bar to play Bristol R. HM under the bar and Burton A. Underneath as draws, ie 13,14. The cutting of bar @ 35/36 to play 33,35 by number. Ref. Week 29,2020/2021,2019/2020,2021/2022.
4 PAIRS 37
PROOF: Starting from week 26, mark game under the first bar and game on top of Cove Rangers for at least one draw. To complete the four colors of coupon.
Best pair of the wk29 23xxpair5xx prove form the new dream, since in wk18 up to wk26 number da draw, in wk27 2f&29f, now in wk28 5ffpair22xx dis wk29 bet 23??pair5?? Win & enjoy we me..
I Greet you all, week 29 is a sure winning week.
WEEK 9. 2023
20. Bristol R. Lincoln XXX✔
21. Burton A. Exeter
And it drew 11XXX 20XXX 30XXX. By its setting movement .(code 10 :11)
WEEK 17. 2023
20. Bristol R. Northampton
21. Burton A. Leyton O. XXX✔
It drew 18XXX 21XXX 25XXX. By its setting movement (code 4 : 5)
WEEK 29. 2024
13. Bristol R. Blackpool XXX ✔
14. Burton A. Charlton
(4 XXX 23XXX ) code 10 :11.
It’s second setting.