Week 36 Pools DEAD GAMES 2023: kindly Drop Your Best CANNOT DRAWS Here

Week 36 weekend pools dead games 2023… Sportatips family is so  grateful to all our fans.

It’s is so bad that most of the CANNOT draws which was posted here for last week ended up among the draws of the week. Please sportatips family is encouraging everyone not to give up.

…so lets try  and eradicate this there by finding solution

first of all Instead of posting 10 dead games which may eventually end up producing  not more than two draws, we should try and post  three games that will result to 0/3? I believe viewers will appreciate  more.

And to our viewers, we also urge  you  to try and study every proof you see before deciding  on abandoning the number or not. If not convinced, please try and skip our comment without causing problems.

May it be known to our viewers that admin do not approve comments that counter any posted dead game.

– To our dead game poster you must attach a proof to any dead game you are posting ,  else your comment will remain void and unapproved. This is because we don’t want everyone to fill up our platform here with invalid/plate numbers. You are only urge to post only dead games that has concrete proof so that anyone that has it as a banker may decide to either play or leave it. Please let`s be properly guided

– Henceforth, Admin will no longer approve  posting of more than 6 dead games. Please all we want is the best for you.

– This is strictly for cannot draws, if you couldn`t find the comments comfortable enough, please try  and abstain from viewing it.



Note: If your 6 cannot draws with proof delivers three(3) consecutive weeks… The admin will reward you with a  cash of 1000 naira…

You can  go on and post week 36 pools dead games if you have..


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Cannot week36 are: 3x27x30X43X44X48. PROVES: previous Position of peteboro{27}. Arsenal h/a dead{3}. Rangers at home mark portmouth dead{30.43}. Northampton next digit down{48}. Previous position of box7 in Hi score quiz{44}. Ref: current year.


6f 9f 18f 24f 31f 39f 43f
Southampton at away dead =06
Tottenham dead at home. =08
Aston v at bar away dead. =09
Midddlesbro at away dead. =18
Exeter draw only 3 home =24
Shrewsbury purple home dead =31
Leyton O dead at 39 away. =39
Rangers dead at odd number. =43


Admin please permit me to change nos27and 48 for reasons best known to me. Replaces it to nos13 and 38. Prove of 13, every purple since season norwich is dead game. Ref: current year. For 38, capital cannot. Ref: current year. 3ff.13ff.30ff 38ff.43ff.44ff.


Week 36 can not.
15-full list Bob Morton game rated XCB is a dead match
11- soccer lucky game is dead match
43-bigwin beware is a dead match
6-game one of twelve home in capital tips for the pools is a dead match
38-capital can not draw in front page is a dead match.
16-soccer full list game 1 is a dead match.
Last week was 6/6
Pls sir replace 7 with 6


Week36 late news dead games from pool telegraph and final result paper.


Soccer dead game=40
Soccer lucky game =11
Bob Morton last card= 7
Capital can not draw =38
Bigwin beware= 43
Soccer X standard can not draw =15

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